Sprint Nextel Microcassette Recorder 699342 User Manual

Sprint ® Digital Voice  
User Guide  
Item Number 699342  
Table of Contents  
Table of Contents  
Introducing Sprint ® Digital Voice ......................................1  
About Your Voice Mail System...............................................................................................1  
Using the Automated Attendant .............................................................................................1  
About Voice Messaging ............................................................................................................2  
About the Voice Prompts.........................................................................................................2  
Numbers to Remember ............................................................................................................2  
About the System Administrator.............................................................................................2  
Getting Into and Out of Your Mailbox ..............................3  
Logging Onto Your Mailbox ...................................................................................................3  
Listening to the Main Menu of Features................................................................................3  
Exiting Your Mailbox................................................................................................................3  
Getting Recorded Help.............................................................................................................4  
Getting the Current Time and Date .......................................................................................4  
Personalizing Your Mailbox ...............................................5  
Setting a Mailbox Security Code..............................................................................................5  
Recording a Mailbox Greeting.................................................................................................5  
Recording a Mailbox Name......................................................................................................5  
Using Message Notification......................................................................................................6  
Playing Your Messages .......................................................7  
How You Know You Have Messages....................................................................................7  
Listening to Your Messages .....................................................................................................7  
Using the Listening Options ....................................................................................................7  
Record a Reply.............................................................................................................7  
Have Message Forwarded..........................................................................................7  
Hear Message Time and Date ...................................................................................8  
Save the Message .........................................................................................................8  
Erase the Message .......................................................................................................8  
Reverse Listening Order.............................................................................................8  
Listen to Next Message ..............................................................................................8  
Backup 5 Seconds........................................................................................................8  
Backup to the Beginning............................................................................................8  
Go Ahead 5 Seconds...................................................................................................9  
Pause/Resume Listening............................................................................................9  
Volume Controls .........................................................................................................9  
Exiting Listen Mode....................................................................................................9  
Issue 1.5  
Table of Contents u i  
Table of Contents  
Recording a Message ........................................................11  
Recording and Sending a Regular Message .........................................................................11  
Recording and Sending a Future Delivery Message...........................................................11  
Using the Recording Options ................................................................................................12  
Erase Recording.........................................................................................................12  
End Recording...........................................................................................................12  
iiu Table of Contents  
Issue 1.5  
Introducing Sprint Digital Voice  
Introducing Sprint ® Digital Voice  
About Your Voice Mail System  
Sprint Digital Voice connects to your phone system and provides you with an  
Automated Attendant plus Voice Messaging.  
Using the Autom ated Attendant  
The Automated Attendant answers your company’s incoming calls, then plays  
a recorded main greeting.  
The main greeting typically welcomes the caller, then provides a menu of  
dialing options. A typical main greeting is:  
Thank you for calling XYZ company. If you know the extension number you  
wish to reach, please enter it now. For Sales, press 1. For John, press 2. For  
Customer Service, press 3. To reach a person by entering their name, press 4.  
If you are calling from a rotary dial phone, please wait on the line for  
Callers then enter digits on their touch tone phone to direct their own call to  
the desired destination. If the caller is using a rotary dial phone, the voice mail  
will automatically transfer the caller to a pre-programmed extension. (Default  
is lowest extension number in your phone system.)  
Note: The main greeting is recorded during system installation. It can be re-  
recorded by your System Administrator.  
To call the Autom ated Attendant from outside the com pany:  
Call the main telephone number.  
Wait for the recorded main greeting.  
Follow the dialing instructions.  
To return to the Autom ated Attendant after transferring from the  
Autom ated Attendant to an extension that is either busy or does not  
If you hear: “To leave a message, press 1. For other options, press 2.” do the  
Press 2 to return to the Automated Attendant’s main greeting immediately.  
Press 1, leave a message, then press # to return to the Automated Attendant’s  
main greeting.  
Issue 1.5  
Introducing Sprint Digital Voice u – 1  
Introducing Sprint Digital Voice  
If you hear the extension user’s personal greeting, or the voice prompt “Start  
recording at the tone. When you are done, press the pound key or hang  
up” followed by a beep, or the voice prompt “At the tone, you can leave a  
message” followed by a beep:  
Press # to return to the Automated Attendant’s main greeting immediately.  
Leave a message after the tone, then press # to return to the Automated  
Attendant’s main greeting.  
To exit the Autom ated Attendant:  
Hang up.  
2 u – Introducing Sprint Digital Voice  
Issue 1.5  
Introducing Sprint Digital Voice  
About Voice Messaging  
Sprint® Digital Voice lets Automated Attendant callers leave recorded  
messages for you when they can’t get through to your extension. This is very  
handy when you are out of the office. Plus it lets you access the voice mail to  
leave messages for co-workers. Sprint Digital Voice stores the messages in  
individual subscriber mailboxes. To listen to your messages or use other voice  
mail features, you log onto your mailbox (see page 4).  
About the Voice Prom pts  
The voice prompts are step-by-step recorded instructions that tell you what  
codes to press on a touchtone phone to access the voice mail features. In this  
guide, voice prompts will look like this: “To listen to your messages, press L.  
To record and send a message, press R S.” You’ll notice that the codes are  
easy to remember because they match some letter (s) in the feature name. You  
do not have to listen to the entire voice prompt before dialing a code.  
If you forget what to press or you press a code and hear, That is an invalid  
entry,” you should wait a few seconds before proceeding. Sprint Digital Voice  
will repeat your choices or play the voice prompt: For a help message, press  
zero.” By pressing zero a recorded help message plays.  
Num bers to Rem em ber  
Your System Administrator can give you these numbers.  
Sprint Digital Voice’s outside telephone number  
Sprint Digital Voice’s extension number_____  
Your mailbox number and security code  
About the System Adm inistrator  
The System Administrator is the person in your company that has been  
designated as the person to maintain the system and perform any needed  
changes in Sprint Digital Voice programming. This User’s Guide refers to the  
System Administrator when appropriate. The System Administrator uses  
Sprint Digital Voice Programming Guide to program the voice mail Features.  
Issue 1.5  
Introducing Sprint Digital Voice u – 3  
Getting Into and Out of Your Mailbox  
Getting Into and Out of Your Mailbox  
Logging Onto Your Mailbox  
Logging onto your mailbox gives you access to Sprint® Digital Voice Main  
Menu of user features and your messages. When you call, the voice mail:  
Tells you how many messages you have.  
Plays a “mini” Main Menu of features, then the voice prompt: “for a  
help message, press 0.” Pressing zero takes you to the Main Menu of  
If your mailbox is almost full or full, Sprint Digital Voice prompts you to erase  
some messages.  
When Sprint Digital Voice prompt plays, you can press the code(s) for the  
feature you want. You do not have to wait for the voice prompt “Ready”  
before entering the code. For the full Main Menu, see page 4.  
To log onto your m ailbox:  
There are several different ways to log onto your mailbox depending on your  
phone system. The preferred method is as follows:  
1. From any extension: Get intercom dial tone. Dial voice mail extension.  
From outside: Dial voice mail telephone number. If you hear the main  
greeting, dial # and go to step 3. Otherwise, go to step 4.  
2. If requested, dial your mailbox number.  
3. If requested, dial your mailbox Security Code. (To assign a Security Code  
to your mailbox, see page 7.)  
Note: If you are at someone else’s extension and want to log onto your  
mailbox, you can do it if your co-worker’s extension has a Security Code.  
Follow these steps:  
4. Get intercom dial tone. Dial voice mail extension.  
5. Wait for the voice prompt, Please enter your security code.  
6. Dial *. Sprint Digital Voice then plays the voice prompt “Please enter your  
mailbox number.”  
7. Dial your own mailbox number to log onto your own mailbox.  
Listening to the Main Menu of Features  
Sprint Digital Voice Main Menu is shown below. To gain access to the Main  
Menu, you must log onto your mailbox. For your convenience, the chart  
below shows you where to go in this guide for more information on the Main  
Menu of user features.  
Listen to Messages  
Record and Send a Message  
4 u Getting Into and Out of Your Mailbox  
Issue 1.5  
Getting Into and Out of Your Mailbox  
Record Mailbox Greeting  
Record Mailbox Name  
Record and Send a Future Delivery  
Security Code  
Hear Time and Date  
Exit Mailbox  
see below  
Exiting a Mailbox  
After you log onto your mailbox to listen to your messages and/or use other  
user features, you exit the mailbox as described below.  
To eXit a m ailbox:  
Press X X (9 9) or hang up.  
To eXit a m ailbox, then return to it:  
Press X # (9 #).  
Issue 1.5  
Getting Into and Out of Your Mailbox u – 5  
Getting Into and Out of Your Mailbox  
Getting Recorded Help  
When you log onto your mailbox, you can press zero at any time to get a  
recorded help message.  
Getting the Current Tim e and Date  
After you log onto your voice mailbox, you can get the time and date.  
To get the TIm e and date:  
Log onto your mailbox (see page 4).  
Press T I (8 4).  
6 u Getting Into and Out of Your Mailbox  
Issue 1.5  
Personalizing Your Mailbox  
Personalizing Your Mailbox  
Setting a Mailbox Security Code  
A mailbox Security Code prevents unauthorized access to your mailbox. If you  
set a Security Code for your mailbox, you will be prompted to enter it every  
time you log onto your mailbox. A Security Code can be from one (1) to six  
(6) digits long, and can be changed at anytime. If you forget the Security Code,  
the System Administrator can delete your current one so you can enter a new  
To set a Security Code for your Mailbox:  
Log onto your mailbox (see page 4).  
Press CS (27) to set Security Code.  
Follow the voice prompts.  
Recording a Mailbox Greeting  
You can record a greeting for your mailbox for callers to hear before they  
leave you a message. A typical mailbox greeting is: “Hello. I’m away from my desk  
right now. Please leave a message at the tone, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.”  
A mailbox greeting also lets you use the Automated Attendant Do Not  
Disturb feature. This prevents Auto Attendant calls from ringing your phone.  
When it’s turned on, Sprint® Digital Voice immediately sends your Auto  
Attendant callers to your mailbox and plays your greeting.  
If Auto Attendant Do Not Disturb is off, Automated Attendant calls will try to  
ring your phone. If your extension is in Do Not Disturb, or you do not answer  
or you are busy on a call, Sprint Digital Voice plays your greeting.  
Note: If your mailbox is programmed with a Next Call Routing mailbox, a  
caller can dial zero (while in your mailbox) to call a pre-selected extension, i.e.  
the operator. It is important that you include these dialing options in your  
mailbox greeting. Otherwise, callers will not know about them. By default,  
callers who dial zero will go to the lowest extension in your phone system. See  
your System Administrator if you want the zero key to go to a different  
To record a m ailbox Greeting and turn Auto Attendant Do Not Disturb on or  
Log onto your mailbox (see page 4).  
Press G (4).  
Follow the voice prompts.  
To hear recording options while recording, press zero.  
Issue 1.5  
Personalizing Your Mailbox u – 7  
Personalizing Your Mailbox  
Recording a Mailbox Nam e  
You can record a name for your mailbox. The name plays in the voice  
prompts that would otherwise play your mailbox number or its corresponding  
extension number. For example, if mailbox 23 has the name Joe Smith  
recorded, Sprint® Digital Voice plays, Joe Smith does not answerinstead of,  
Extension 23 does not answer.” You can record a name that is up to 10 seconds  
To Record a Nam e for a m ailbox:  
Log onto your mailbox (see page 4).  
Press R N (7 6).  
Follow the voice prompts.  
To hear the recording options while recording, press zero.  
8 u – Personalizing Your Mailbox  
Issue 1.5  
Personalizing Your Mailbox  
Using Message Notification  
With Message Notification, you can have the voice mail call you when you  
receive messages. You can specify the type of number you wish Sprint® Digital  
Voice to call: outside, extension or digital pager. Once you enable Message  
Notification, Sprint Digital Voice will call you as soon as you receive your first  
message. If you accept the call at a telephone, or if the paging service gets  
through to you and you log onto your mailbox, Sprint Digital Voice will not  
notify you again until you receive new messages. Once you log off of your  
mailbox, Sprint Digital Voice waits five minutes before notifying you of any  
new messages. After 5 minutes elapse, you will be notified immediately of  
any new messages.  
However, if the voice mail calls the number and gets no answer (after five  
rings), it will try again after 30 minutes. If Sprint Digital Voice calls the  
number again and gets busy tone, it will try the number again after 10  
minutes. If Sprint Digital Voice is calling a paging number, it waits eight  
seconds for the paging service to answer before calling the callback number  
(which is the mailbox number and #). If your paging service takes longer than  
eight seconds to answer, enter *p (pause) at the end of the number you  
entered to allow more time for your paging service to respond. Each *p is two  
seconds. If the number is busy or if reorder tone is received, Sprint Digital  
Voice will try the paging number again after 10 minutes. Sprint Digital Voice  
will try calling the number for a total of three times before giving up.  
To activate Message Notification from any extension:  
1. Log onto your mailbox (see page 4).  
2. Press N (6) for Message Notification.  
3. To enable Message Notification, press E (3).  
4. To modify parameters, press M (6). Follow the voice prompts. (You will  
enter the time of day that the voice mail should start and stop calling that  
number. For example, you want to be called at your home number from 6  
p.m. until 7 a.m.. You then enter whether you want to be notified at a  
telephone or digital pager. You then enter the notification number.)  
If necessary, you can enter special codes in the notification number.  
For this special entry:  
Wait for dial tone  
Non-monitored pause (Sprint Digital  
Voice pauses two seconds, dials next digit)  
* (star key)  
Enter these codes  
# (pound key)  
Issue 1.5  
Personalizing Your Mailbox u – 9  
Personalizing Your Mailbox  
10 u – Personalizing Your Mailbox  
Issue 1.5  
Playing Your Messages  
Playing Your Messages  
How You Know You Have Messages  
Sprint® Digital Voice can let you know when you have new messages. To  
receive visual notification, your phone must be equipped with a message lamp.  
If you have a standard single line phone without a message lamp, the phone  
system may give you a short burst of stutter dial tone when you lift the  
If you receive new messages while you are using your mailbox, the voice mail  
says “You have received new messages.” Sprint Digital Voice plays this voice prompt  
if you dial 9 to exit your mailbox or if you return to the Main Menu of features  
before exiting. This way you can listen to the new message before exiting. If  
you do not listen to the new message before exiting, the voice mail will light  
your Message Lamp (or enable stutter dial tone) after you exit.  
Note: By default, your Message Lamp will light (or stutter dial tone will play)  
when you have a new message. To disable it, see your System Administrator.  
Listening to Your Messages  
You can listen to your messages after you log onto your mailbox. The last  
message you received will play first. If you listen to a message all the way  
through, Sprint Digital Voice will automatically save the message unless you  
press E to erase it.  
To play and listen to your m essages:  
1. Log onto your mailbox (see page 4).  
2. Press L (5) to listen to the first message. When it finishes playing you  
hear, “The message will be saved when you exit your mailbox. To erase the message,  
press E.”  
3. Press L (5) to listen to the next message. If it is the last message, Sprint  
Digital Voice says “Going to the first message,” then plays it.  
Note: When you press L to listen to messages, your new messages will play  
before any previously saved.  
Using the Listening Options  
You can use the options that follow while listening to a message in your  
mailbox. You can activate an option while listening to a message or right after  
it finishes playing.  
Issue 1.5  
Playing Your Messag es u – 11  
Playing Your Messages  
To record a REply to a m essage:  
Sprint® Digital Voice sends your reply to the mailbox that sent the message.  
Press R E (7 3).  
Follow the voice prompts.  
If you hear, invalid entry,” this means that the mailbox that sent the message is  
not known (for example when the message was left by an outside caller). You  
will hear other prompts to redirect your reply.  
To have the Message Forwarded to another m ailbox:  
Press M F (6 3).  
Follow the voice prompts.  
You can first record a comment to explain why you are forwarding the  
message. If you re-forward a message that has been forwarded to you, Sprint  
Digital Voice erases the previous forwarder’s comment, if any, and replaces it  
with yours.  
You can forward the message to a maximum of 10 extension mailboxes. You  
can enter mailbox numbers or names (if your system has been programmed  
with mailbox names).  
Or, you can enter the Distribution mailbox number (805). If you do, Sprint  
Digital Voice sends your message to all extension mailboxes in the system.  
To hear the TIm e and date of the m essage:  
Press T I (8 4).  
If you press T I while listening to a message, Sprint Digital Voice plays the  
time/date, then continues playing the message.  
To SAve the m essage:  
Press S A (7 2).  
You hear: “The message has been saved.” Pressing S A in the middle of a message  
saves it, and then Sprint Digital Voice goes on to play the next message.  
To Erase the m essage:  
Press E (3).  
12 u – Playing Your Messages  
Issue 1.5  
Playing Your Messages  
You hear: “The message will be erased when you exit your mailbox.” Pressing E in the  
middle of a message marks the message to be erased upon exiting your  
mailbox. Sprint® Digital Voice will automatically play your next message.  
To Reverse the order in which you Listen to the m essages:  
Press R L (7 5).  
The messages return to the original order when you exit your mailbox.  
To Listen (skip) to the next m essage:  
Press L (5).  
The message is automatically saved if you press L before the current message  
finishes playing. However, if you press L after the message plays completely,  
Sprint Digital Voice automatically saves the message. You must press E to  
erase it.  
To Backup 5 seconds and listen:  
Press B (2).  
Sprint Digital Voice backs up (rewinds) the message 5 seconds, then  
automatically plays it.  
To Backup to the Beginning and listen:  
Press B B (2 2).  
Sprint Digital Voice backs up (rewinds) the message to the beginning, then  
automatically plays it.  
To Go ahead 5 seconds and listen:  
Press G (4) to go ahead (fast forward) 5 seconds.  
To pause/resum e while listening:  
Press *.  
When you pause listening, you hear: “Listening has been paused. To continue  
listening, press the star key.”  
Issue 1.5  
Playing Your Messag es u – 13  
Playing Your Messages  
To work with the volum e controls:  
Press V U (8 8) for volume up.  
Press V D (8 3) for volume down.  
Press V N (8 6) for normal volume.  
To exit the listening m ode:  
Press #.  
You return to the Main Menu.  
14 u – Playing Your Messages  
Issue 1.5  
Playing Your Messages  
Issue 1.5  
Playing Your Messag es u – 15  
Recording a Message  
Recording a Message  
Recording and Sending a Regular Message  
Sprint® Digital Voice lets you record a message and send it to a person’s  
After you call the Automated Attendant and enter the extension number  
and receive no answer or a busy signal.  
After you call the Automated Attendant, enter * plus the extension  
number (“Quick Message”).  
After you log onto your mailbox and enter R S. You can manually send  
the message to one or more mailboxes, up to 10. Or, you can have Sprint  
Digital Voice distribute the message to all mailboxes in the system.  
If you pause too long while recording or if you exceed the recording limit (five  
minutes), Sprint Digital Voice says “Recording has been paused due to silence, or you  
have exceeded the recording limit.” Sprint Digital Voice then lets you know your  
To record a m essage after you call an extension through the Auto  
Attendant and receive no answer or a busy signal:  
Follow the voice prompts, speak after the beep.  
To hear the recording options, press * to pause the recording, then press zero.  
When done, hang up or press # to return to the Automated Attendant’s main  
To record a m essage without listening to the m ailbox greeting:  
Dial Sprint Digital Voice extension  
Press ** when mailbox greeting begins to play.  
Start speaking after the beep.  
To record a “quick m essage” through the Autom ated Attendant:  
Dial Sprint Digital Voice extension or outside phone number.  
Dial * during main greeting, then desired extension.  
Start speaking after the beep.  
To hear the recording options, press * to stop the recording, then press zero.  
Hang up or press # to return to the main greeting.  
To Record a m essage and Send it to another m ailbox after you log onto  
your Mailbox:  
Press R S (7 7).  
To hear the recording options while recording, press zero.  
Follow the voice prompts.  
You can send the message to a maximum of 10 extension mailboxes by  
entering the desired mailbox numbers or mailbox names (if names have been  
programmed in your voice mail system). Or, you can enter the Distribution  
16 u Recording a Messages  
Issue 1.5  
Recording a Message  
mailbox Number, which is 805. If you enter 805, Sprint® Digital Voice will  
automatically send the message to all extension mailboxes in the system.  
Recording and Sending a Future Delivery Message  
You can record a message and have the voice mail send it to other mailboxes  
at a future date and time. Future Delivery Messages make it easy to remind  
you or other people of appointments. For example, there is a meeting you  
must attend in two weeks. You can record a reminder message today and have  
the voice mail send it to you the day before the meeting.  
The Future Delivery Message gets stored in the Future Delivery mailbox until  
the date and time for delivery. You may send a message up to one year in the  
future. If necessary, your System Administrator can log onto the Future  
Delivery mailbox and erase the message before Sprint Digital Voice sends it.  
Issue 1.5  
Recording a Messages u – 17  
Recording a Message  
To record a Future Delivery m essage:  
Log onto your mailbox (see page 4).  
Press F D (3 3).  
Follow the voice prompts.  
You can send the message to a maximum of 10 extension mailboxes by  
entering the desired mailbox numbers or mailbox names (if names have been  
programmed in your voice mail system). Or, you can enter the distribution  
mailbox number, which is 805. If you enter 805, the voice mail will  
automatically send the message to all extension mailboxes in the system.  
Using the Recording Options  
You can use the following options while recording. To have the voice mail  
play the options while you are recording, just press the star (*) key. Sprint®  
Digital Voice pauses the recording and lists the options. You can select an  
option during or after the listing.  
Sprint Digital Voice also lets Automated Attendant callers hear the recording  
options while they are recording. They simply press the star key to pause a  
recording, then hear the recording options.  
To Erase the recording:  
Press E (3)  
You hear: “The message (recording) has been erased.” Then you will hear a menu of  
options or the voice prompt: “To leave a message press 1. For other options, press 2.”  
To end recording and send the m essage:  
Press #.  
18 u Recording a Messages  
Issue 1.5  

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