Smooth Fitness Computer Monitor 07858 699 User Manual

Computer- and training instructions  
Smooth CE model # 07858-699  
an option from specialised dealers)  
Information on pulse measuring  
Only one kind of pulse measuring is possible at a time. (Ear-clip  
or hand pulse sensors or cardio pulse set)  
Select the start display (Fig. 4). Your current pulse is displayed at  
position (7).  
Figure 7  
Programs -Example:❷  
Figure 8  
Heart rate control program:  
Pulse measuring with hand pulse sensors  
Your hands grasp the hand pulse sensors.  
Pulse measuring with the ear-clip  
Plug the ear-clip into socket (14).  
Rub one ear lob in order to achieve a better blood circulation. Put  
the ear-clip at your ear lob.  
4.3 Settings in the programs count-down and HRC  
You have selected a program, e.g. count-down (Fig. 6).  
If you press the set key, the setting mode will open (Fig. 9). No  
preset data are represented by "Off" in the graphics field (Fig.  
9). With the +/– keys (12/13) you can adjust the setting values  
(Fig. 10). If you press the –/+ key longer, forward or reverse  
run will be carried out faster.  
Pulse measuring with the cardio pulse set  
Please refer to the appropriate instructions.  
If you press the –/+ keys together, the value will be reset to zero.  
With the set key you will get to the next preset data. (Fig. 10-12).  
Pulse display  
The heart symbol (j) will flash according to your pulse beat.  
The pulse beat is displayed as value (7).  
Fig. 8 shows the initial call of the HRC programme. An entered  
target pulse will be stored, and the next time the programme is  
called this pulse will be displayed and monitored following im-  
mediate commencement of the training session  
3.0 Training without preset training data  
Step into the pedals. All values will count up. Count-up mode.  
4.0 Training with preset training data  
4.1 Program types  
The crosstrainer possesses nine different program types:  
• Count-up (count-up mode)  
• Count-down (count-down mode)  
• 6 programs 1-6 (preset training intervals in a given time)  
Figure 9  
No setting "Off"  
Figure 10  
Distance setting e.g. 16.5 km  
• pulse controlled program (strain control based on your preset  
pulse value)  
After switching on, count-up (Fig. 4) will be automatically activa-  
4.2 Selection of programs (Fig. 5-8)  
You set the start display (Fig. 8). Press the program key (11) se-  
veral times without pedalling. The programs are shown in the dis-  
play by flashing program symbols. In case of count-up, count-  
down and HRC text is displayed in the graphics field (f). In the  
programs -, additionally the training profile is shown in gra-  
phics field (f) in a compressed form. The training time given by  
the program will be shown in the time display (3) (Fig. 7).  
Figure 11  
Time setting e.g. 34 minutes  
Figure 12  
Kilojoule setting e.g. 820 kJ  
4.4 Possibilities of preset pulse values  
The schematic diagram shows the sequence for preset pulse va-  
Figure 5  
Count up mode: Count upꢀ  
Figure 6  
Count down mode:  
Count Down ꢁ  
4.4.2 Max. pulse  
Age input OFF,  
10-99 with +/-  
After the entry of an age in the max. pulse display the calculated  
value will appear in the graphics fields (Fig. 16). Additionally, the  
% symbol and 100 appear in the PULSE display. If no age has  
been preset, a max. pulse between 80 and 199 can be entered.  
Max. pulse input OFF, 80-199,  
80-(220-age) with +/- key  
Input no (OFF)  
Input yes  
Pulse input: Fat consump-  
tion 65% (220-age)*0.65,  
(max. pulse)*0.65  
Pulse input: Fitness 75%  
(220-age)*0.75, (max. pulse)*0.75  
Figure 15  
No input “OFF”  
Figure 16  
Max. pulse displayed with input  
31 years with 100% - symbol  
If the max. pulse is to be lower than the calculated value, press  
the – key (12). An increase exceeding the max. value is not pos-  
Pulse selection:  
Manual - - %  
Pulse input: Manual 40-90%  
(220-age)*0.40-0.90 (max. pulse)*0.40-0.90  
with +/- key  
A previously calculated or altered max. pulse in HRC program will  
be adopted.  
Pulse value input: OFF,  
40-188 with +(- key  
Input no (OFF)  
Input no (OFF)  
Input yes  
Input yes  
Through the age input and the adopted or altered max. pulse a  
pulse monitoring is activated which will indicate an exceeding va-  
lue by means of a flashing HI symbol. The value shown with the  
% symbol is the comparison between current pulse value and  
max. pulse value.  
If you do not enter any max. pulse value, the subsequently de-  
scribed pulse zone inputs are not possible and you will get to the  
entry of a freely selectable pulse value monitoring (item 4.4.3).  
Training without %  
and without HI/LO  
Training without  
% with HI/LO  
Training with %  
and without HI/LO  
Training with %  
and HI/LO  
In detail:  
Preset: Training pulse  
With the set key you subsequently call 3 input ranges.  
1. Age (Fig. 13/14)  
2. Max. pulse (Fig. 15 / Fig. 16)  
3. Pulse zones: Training target fat consumption [fat 65%]  
(Fig. 17)  
4.4.3 Pulse zones/training targets  
With the +/- keys you select 3 zones. The age input and/or the  
altered max. pulse are used for calculating this pulse zone which  
is visible in the PULSE display (7).  
1. Training target fat consumption [Fat 65%] (Fig. 17)  
Formula: (220 - age) x 0.65 or max. pulse x 0.65  
Training target cardiovascular fitness [fit  
75%] (Fig. 18)  
Manual [man. - - %] (Fig. 19/20)  
2. Training target cardiovascular fitness [Fit 75%] (Fig.  
4.4.1 Age input  
The age input is required for calculating the max. pulse.  
Formula: (220 - age) x 0.75 or max. pulse x 0.75  
3. Manual zone [Man - - %] (Fig. 19)  
You set the factor in the range of 40 - 90 % with the +/- keys.  
Formula: (220 - age) x (0.40 - 0.90) or  
max. pulse x (0.40 - 0,90)  
Figure 13  
No input “OFF”  
Figure 14  
Age z.B.31with max. pulse set-  
ting 189 and HI - symbol  
If you enter your age, the age-depending max. pulse (formula:  
220 - age) will appear in the PULSE display (7). (Fig. 14) In case  
of inputs up to 21 years, only 199 can be shown as the max. pul-  
se, however, the calculation is based upon the correct value.  
Fig. 17  
Fig. 18  
Pulse zone:  
Pulse zone: Fitness with 75 %  
Fat consumption with 65%  
If you entered an age in the HRC program before, this value will  
be shown.  
Fig. 19  
Manual pulse selection  
Fig. 20  
Fig. 22  
Display with preset value prior to start of training  
Manual pulse input, e.g. 85%  
With the set key you accept the pulse zone and get to completion  
of preset data (item 4.4.5.).  
Possibilities of preset training values in the program types:  
Standard values:  
Through the pulse zone input and the accepted or altered max.  
pulse a pulse zone monitoring is activated. If you fall below the  
preset training pulse by 11 beats, the lettering "LO" appears; if  
you exceed it by 11 beats, the display will show "HI". The "LO"  
monitoring is active, if the preset training pulse is reached for the  
first time when pedalling. If the pedal speed falls to zeros, the  
"LO" function will become active again when reaching the preset  
training pulse. The "HI" monitoring is always active.  
The value which is displayed with the % symbol is the comparison  
between current pulse value and max. pulse value.  
If you do not enter any max. pulse value, the % pulse display is  
not active.  
• KM (distance): 0.0 km  
• Time (training time): 0:00 min.  
• Kilojoule (energy consumption): 0 kJ  
• Training pulse: - -  
• Max. pulse: - -  
• Performance: 25 Watt  
Possibilities of preset values in the sequence:  
• Age  
• Max. pulse  
• Pulse zones Fat 65%, Fit 75% and Man. - - %  
• Performance  
Standard values:  
• KM (distance): 0 km  
4.4.4 Pulse value monitoring  
This input is possible with the +/- keys in the range of 40 - 188.  
• Time (training time): 0:00 min.  
• Kilojoule (energy consumption): 0 kJ  
• Training pulse: - -  
• Max. pulse: - -  
• Performance: 25 Watt  
Possibilities of preset values in the sequence:  
• KM (distance)  
Fig. 21  
• Time (training time)  
Pulse value input, e.g. 150  
• Kilojoule  
• Age  
• Max. pulse  
• Pulse zones Fat 65%, Fit 75% and Man. - - %  
• Performance  
The "HI" and "LO" display functions as described under 4.4.3.  
The % pulse display is not available.  
Switch the pulse value monitoring off: "OFF" display, all pulse mo-  
nitoring functions are de-activated.  
At least preset the training distance or training time or energy con-  
sumption, otherwise the electronic system will start in count-up  
mode when taking up training.  
If training time, training distance and energy consumption have  
been counted down to zero, the display will change into count-up  
mode. Now, the values will again count up from the preset values.  
Previously set pulse values in the HRC program are accepted and  
appear in the display.  
In this mode, the training pulse has no influence on the perfor-  
(Such a function is offered by the HRC program.)  
Programs 1-6  
Standard values:  
• KM (distance): 0.0 km  
4.4.5 Completion of preset data  
If you press the set key after the last preset value (except in the  
programs 1-6), all preset values (except preset pulses) will be dis-  
played. The graphics field will read the lettering "Ready" (Fig.  
• Time (training time): depending on program  
• Kilojoule (energy consumption): 0 kJ  
• Training pulse: - -  
• Max. pulse: - -  
• Performance: depending on program  
Possibilities of preset values in the sequence:  
• Age  
• Max. pulse  
• Pulse zones Fat 65%, Fit 75% and Man. - - %  
• Performance (not in programs that include a performance ran-  
ge from 25 - 400 Watt)  
than 20 pedal rotations/min.  
The adjustment will cause the increase or decrease of the stored  
program flow.  
5.0 Training  
5.1 Training displays in count-up, count-down and HRC  
If the training time has been set to zero, the display will change  
into count-up mode. Even the time value will count up now.  
In these program types the graphics display (f) is used in order to  
represent the values in large. At the start of training the training  
time (Fig. 23) is shown. With the program key you change the dis-  
play contents during training in the following sequence: Time (Fig.  
23) km/h (Fig. 24) km (Fig. 25) performance (Fig. 26) ➠  
RPM (Fig. 27) kilojoule (Fig. 28) pulse (Fig. 29) time (Fig.  
23) ...  
Pulse controlled program (HRC)  
Standard values:  
• KM (distance): 0.0 km  
• Time (training time): 0:00 min.  
• Kilojoule (energy consumption): 0 kJ  
• Training pulse: 60 or the training pulse indicated last in the  
HRC program  
• Performance: 25 Watt or the starting performance indicated  
last in the HRC program  
Possibilities of preset values in the sequence:  
• KM (distance)  
• Time (training time)  
Fig. 23 Display  
Fig. 24 Display  
of training time in graphics fieldof velocity in graphics field  
• Kilojoule  
• Age  
• Max. pulse  
• Pulse zones Fat 65%, Fit 75% and Man. - - %  
• Performance  
For the HRC program we recommend pulse measuring with the  
ear-clip or the cardio pulse set.  
The difference between given training pulse and current pulse de-  
termines the performance adjustment. At the beginning of trai-  
ning, the performance will be increased from the given value un-  
til the preset pulse is reached. If the value is exceeded, the per-  
formance will be reduced.  
Fig. 25 Display  
Fig. 26 Display  
of performance in graphics field  
of distance in graphics field  
Starting performance can be set from 25 – 100 Watt.  
The first adjustment will take place after 30 seconds (exception:  
the default pulse is exceeded).  
The % pulse will be displayed only during the training. Within the  
programs Count Up, Count Down and HRC it will only be dis-  
played in the graphic display in connection with the pulse indi-  
cation. Within the programs 1 – 6 it is displayed alternately every  
5 seconds.  
Fig. 27 Display  
Fig. 28 Display  
of pedal rotations per minute in of energy consumption in gra-  
graphics field  
phics field  
A performance adjustment with the "–" and "+" keys is not possi-  
Your preset pulse should be reached after approx. 5 minutes.  
The HRC can only be terminated by you. If preset values for trai-  
ning time, training distance and energy consumption have been  
counted down to zero, there is no program stop or change. The  
performance is continued to be controlled by the electronic system  
on the basis of your pulse frequency.  
Fig. 29 Display  
in of pulse value in graphics  
Fig. 29a Display of pulse value  
setting Max. pulse  
If you press the program key when entering preset data, the dis-  
play will skip to the next program type without storing any preset  
Preset training data will only be taken into account, if you termi-  
nate the preset mode with the "Ready" display (Fig. 22). Other-  
wise the standard preset data are taken.  
5.2 Training display in program 1-6  
In program type 1-6 the program flow is shown in the graphics  
field (Fig. 30). The left column indicates current strain. One co-  
lumn represents 1 minute of training time and it runs through to the  
One segment line is always faded in and corresponds with 25  
Watt. If the performance exceeds 395 Watt, the highest (16th)  
line will be displayed.  
Start of training  
The selected program type will start after you have achieved more  
Fig. 32 Display  
Fig. 33 Display  
Figure 30  
during count-down of 60  
Display after count-down of 60  
Programs -Example:❷  
The calculation is explained under item 9 Fitness note calculation.  
If pulse measuring is interrupted or interfered with, "Error" is dis-  
played instead of a value (Fig. 34). If no pulse signal is available  
at recovery start, recovery pulse measuring will not start.  
6.0 Display at interruption or end of training  
If you achieve less than 20 pedal rotations/min., the electronic  
system will recognise a training interruption and the training data  
are displayed and not the counted down values of preset data. In  
case of velocity (km/h), performance (Watt), pedal rotations  
(RPM) and pulse (pulse) the average values are shown with a Ø  
symbol (b). (Fig. 31)  
In order to stop the heavy centrifugal mass, the braking force in  
the recovery function is continuously increased until standstill. If no  
pulse signal is available, the braking operation is performed as  
well. After 20 seconds, the recovery display will automatically be  
extinguished. Afterwards, the display of the achieved training and  
average values appears (Fig. 31). Also the "Error" display, ho-  
wever, only at standstill of the flywheel. If you leave the recovery  
function, the previously set performance is adjusted again.  
Fig. 31 Display  
of achieved training and average values  
If the program symbols stay, you see that still preset values exist.  
If the program symbol changes to count-up, you see that the pre-  
set values are counted down or have not been set.  
Only in the HRC program can the value be counted up or down.  
In the graphics field "pulse" and the current pulse value (or "P" in  
case of inactive pulse measuring) is shown.  
Fig. 34 Display  
at Revovery without pulse signal  
Training data are displayed for 4 minutes. If you do not press any  
keys or step onto the pedals during this time, the electronic system  
will change over into the standby mode with room temperature  
display (Fig. 1). The kilometres are stored. All other values are not  
stored. The SET or +/- key will change over to the training value  
9 General  
Braking behaviour  
The electromagnetic eddy current brake produces the braking ef-  
fect independent from the speed such that the braking power is  
kept constant in a wide range of pedal rotations (RPM).  
7.0 Display in case of continued training  
Step onto the pedals. The values will count further.  
Arrow display ▲▼:  
Performance range of the ergometer.  
If the adjusted performance cannot be achieved with the current  
pedal rotation (e.g. 400 Watt at 50 RPM - outside the grey ran-  
ge), an appropriate arrow of direction (a) is displayed next to the  
current pedal speed (2).  
8.0 Recovery pulse measuring  
The training computer is equipped with a recovery pulse function  
which permits to measure your recovery pulse. When finishing  
your training press the recovery key (8). The current pulse value  
will be accepted under KM/H (4) (Fig. 32).  
For 60 seconds in count-down the electronic system measures  
your pulse  
Afterwards, the current value is shown under KM (5) and the dif-  
ference between the pulse values under WATT (6) during count-  
down. Under Rec a fitness value is displayed with (F). (Fig. 33)  
25 50  
The above diagram is only used to illustrate a performance ran-  
ge. If a performance cannot be achieved with the current pedal  
rotation, an arrow pointing upwards or an arrow pointing dou-  
wnwards appears for an increase or a reduction of speed.  
With hand pulse sensors  
A very low voltage caused by the contraction of the heart is de-  
Velocity calculation  
60 pedal rotations result in a velocity of 9,5 km/h.  
tected by the hand sensors and assessed by the electronic system.  
• Always grasp the contact surfaces with both hands.  
• Avoid jerky grasping.  
• Hold your hands calm and avoid contractions and rubbing on  
the contact surfaces.  
Kilojoule calculation  
The performance is entered in Watt (current performance) and the  
time in seconds. Factor 6 results from the efficiency degree of a  
human being of approx. 16,7% when training with the trainer.  
However, this is only a clue.  
With cardio pulse set  
Please refer to the appropriate instructions.  
performance x time x 6  
kJ =  
Malfunctions in pulse display  
Should any pulse detecting problems occur, please once again  
check the above items.  
Fitness value calculation  
The computer calculates and assesses the difference between the  
strain pulse at training end and the recovery pulse after 60 s and  
the resulting "fitness value" according to the following formula:  
Malfunctions at training computer  
If the electronic system behaves strange or disturbed, press the re-  
set key.  
Value (F) = 6 - 10 x (P1 - P2)  
Information on interface  
( )  
The training software "ERGO concept", art. No. 7926-000, to be  
bought from your specialised dealer, permits the control of your  
cross trainer with a customary PC through this interface.  
P1 = Strain pulse  
P2 = Recovery pulse  
Value 1 = very good  
Value 6 = insufficient  
The comparison of strain and recovery pulse is a simple and fast  
possibility to control your physical fitness. The fitness value is an  
orientation value for your recoverability after physical strain. Be-  
fore you press the recovery key (8) and establish your fitness va-  
lue, you should train for a longer period, i.e. for at least 10 mi-  
nutes, in your strain range. With a regular cardiovascular training  
you will note that your "fitness value" improves.  
Average value calculation  
For the average value calculation of pedal rotations, velocity, per-  
formance and pulse all training intervals are taken into account  
until the "Temperature" display appears.  
Information on pulse measuring  
Only one kind of pulse measuring is possible at a time (ear-clip or  
hand pulse sensors or cardio pulse set).  
Pulse calculation starts when the heart in the display flashes in ac-  
cordance with your pulse beat.  
With ear-clip  
The pulse sensor operates with infra-red light and measures the  
changes in the light permeability of your skin which are caused  
by your pulse beat. Before you fasten the ear-clip to your ear lob  
please rub it strongly 10 times, in order to increase blood circu-  
Avoid interfering impulses.  
• Fasten the ear-clip carefully at your ear lob and try to find the  
most favourable point for sensoring (heart symbol flashes with-  
out interruption).  
• Do not train directly under strong incidence of light, e.g. neon  
light, halogen light, spot light, sunlight.  
• Completely avoid any vibrations and wobbling of the ear sen-  
sor including cable. Always fasten the cable with the clip at  
your clothes or - even better - at a headband.  
very soon be exceeded. Start with a low performance adjustment  
and approach your optimal training pulse gradually. Regularly  
check during cross training as to whether you still train within your  
intensity range according to the above recommendations.  
10 Training instructions  
Cross training is a very effective training for the whole body strai-  
ning all large muscle groups and simultaneously training the car-  
diovascular system in an ideal manner and supporting the fat me-  
tabolism. The innovative elliptical motion of the stepping surfaces  
strengthens the leg and gluteal muscles particularly joint friendly.  
The upper body training coupled with leg training particularly  
trains arm, shoulder, chest and back muscles.  
Amount of strain  
A beginner will increase the amount of strain of his/her training  
only gradually. The first training units should be relatively short  
and be organised in intervals. Sports physicians regard the follo-  
wing strain factors as being positive for fitness:  
Before starting to train you should read the following information  
10 min  
2-3 times weekly  
1-2 times weekly  
20-30 min  
30-60 min  
Important note:  
Before taking up training with the cross trainer, have your family  
doctor check that you are fit for this kind of fitness training. The  
medical report should be the basis for building up your training  
Beginners should not start with training units of 30-60 minutes. Du-  
ring the first 4 weeks, a beginner training could be organised as  
The above and the following training information are only recom-  
mended for persons with a healthy cardiovascular system.  
Training frequency  
Extent of training session  
1st week  
Training information  
3 times a week  
2 minutes of training  
Training with the cross trainer has to follow the principles of sta-  
mina training. Stamina training predominantly causes changes  
and adjustments at the cardiovascular system. These include a re-  
duction of the resting pulse rate and of the exercise pulse. This gi-  
ves the heart more time for filling the ventricles of the heart and  
for supplying the cardiac musculature with blood (through coro-  
nary vessels). Furthermore, depth of respiration and volume of air  
that can be inhaled (vital capacity) increase. Further positive chan-  
ges take place in metabolic system. In order to achieve these po-  
sitive changes, your training has to be planned according to cer-  
tain principles.  
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises  
2 minutes of training  
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises  
2 minutes of training  
2nd week  
3 times a week  
3 times a week  
3 times a week  
3 minutes of training  
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises  
3 minutes of training  
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises  
2 minutes of training  
Planning and control of your cross training  
3rd week  
Basis for training planning is your current physical capacity. With  
an exercise test your family doctor can assess your personal ca-  
pacity which will for the basis for your training planning. If you  
have no exercise test performed, high training strains and/or  
overloading are to be avoided by all means. The following prin-  
ciple should be taken into account for planning: Stamina training  
is controlled both over the volume of strain and over the intensity  
of strain.  
4 minutes of training  
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises  
4 minutes of training  
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises  
3 minutes of training  
4th week  
5 minutes of training  
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises  
4 minutes of training  
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises  
4 minutes of training  
Intensity of strain  
The intensity of strain during cross training is preferably controlled  
through the pulse frequency of your heart. The max. heart fre-  
quency per minute - 220 minus age - must not be exceeded. The  
optimal training pulse is determined by age and training target  
(also refer to 4.4.3 Pulse zones/training targets.  
Training target: Fat consumption/weight reduction  
The optimal pulse frequency is calculated according to the rule of  
thumb (220 - age) x 0.65.  
Prior to and after every training unit, 5 minutes of gymnastics  
should warm up or cool down your body. Between two training  
units there should be one day without training, if you prefer the  
training of 20-30 minutes 3 times a week later on. Otherwise, the-  
re is nothing to be said against an everyday training with the  
Cross-Trainer of 10 minutes.  
Note: Fat consumption for energy supply will only gain impor-  
tance from a training duration of at least 30 minutes.  
Training target: Cardiovascular fitness  
The optimal pulse frequency is calculated according to the rule of  
thumb (220 - age) x 0.75.  
Moreover there is the possibility to manually determine the factors  
in the range of 0.40 - 0.90.  
The intensity of training with the cross trainer is set through the  
performance regulation of 25 - 400 Watt with the +/- keys. As a  
beginner you should avoid a training with a too high performan-  
ce adjustment since the recommended pulse frequency range may  
Heart Control Program  
Integrated training programs  
After setting the desired pulse rate du-  
ring exercise, the electric eddy current  
brake controls the pedalling resistance  
independent of speed and in accordan-  
ce with the setting. This means that the  
resistance will automatically be increa-  
sed until the exercising pulse rate has  
been reached or be decreased if the set-  
ting has been exceeded. The program  
ensures cardiovascular training while  
the exercising pulse rate remains at an  
approximately constant optimum exerci-  
sing pulse rate. For this reason it is ide-  
ally suited for therapeutical training pur-  
The 6 training programs are designed for "Fitness beginners",  
"Advanced exercisers" and "Fitness pros". The following descrip-  
tion of the programs helps you to select the program suitable for  
your performance capacity. Program P6, for example, is only sui-  
table for endurance trained exercisers with a high exercise tole-  
P1: Fitness test in accordance with  
WHO standard  
This fitness test provides for an automati-  
cally controlled increase in performance  
by 25 watts at an interval of 2 minutes,  
starting from 25 watts. The recommen-  
ded number of pedal turns amounts to  
60 - 80 turns/min. Only healthy persons  
without cardiovascular problems may  
carry out this test while without the pre-  
sence of a doctor.  
The movements during Cross-Training are already predefined  
through the elliptic rotation of the treads and the positioning of the  
grip bars. Nevertheless, you should pay attention to some points:  
Prior to taking up training, always pay attention to the correct  
assembly and stability of the equipment.  
P 2: Fitness beginners I  
Workload: 25 - 100 watts, 27 min  
When getting onto the equipment, one tread has to be in the  
lowest, and one in the uppermost position. Grasp the grip bars  
with both hands and get onto the lower tread first. When get-  
ting off the equipment, first leave the uppermost tread.  
Adjust the tread at the optimal distance for you with regard to  
the grip bars ; pay attention to sufficient leg-room towards the  
grip bars.  
P 3: Fitness beginners II  
Workload: 50 - 125 watts, 30 min  
Use appropriate sports shoes for training and pay attention to  
a safe foothold on the treads.  
(Do not train without using your hands.) Hold tight at the grip  
bracket between the movable grip bars, if you only want to  
train the lower part of your body.  
Pay attention to a rhythmical, smooth sequence of motions.  
Adjust the brake resistance at the rotary button below the cock-  
pit according to your individual requirements.  
P 4: Advanced exercisers l  
Workload: 50 - 150 watts, 36 min  
During training, vary between forward and return motions of  
treads in order to stress leg and gluteal muscles differently.  
With a regular training, you can increase your endurance, your  
power and, thus, your well-being. The success of your training will  
be optimised by a healthy way of living which is determined by a  
well-balanced, high-quality nourishment.  
P 5: Advanced exercisers II  
Workload: 50 - 200 watts, 38 min  
P 6: Fitness pros l  
Workload: 75 - 300 watts, 36 min  
For proper operation, the chest belt should be worn with the monitor strapped across the front of your  
body just above the chest line as shown in the drawing on the right. The monitor needs a little body heat  
and moisture in order to work properly. To ensure correct operation you may want to wet the two rubber  
pickups under the belt prior to exercising.  
Strap chest belt across the  
front above the chest line  
112 Gaither Dr.  
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054  
Service tel. 888-800-1167  
Sales tel. (888) 211-1611  

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